Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Second visit to the hall of terror

Though I have wanted to go back to the gym a few times since last Wednesday, I had no success in lining up a partner to go with me. However, I KNEW I would go today! I had a loose 'date' to meet up with Matt and his kids after my meeting. They would have to go earlier in order to take advantage of 'kid care', but it would be enough to act as my 'security blanket'.

As with the best plans of mice and men, it did not work out that way today. I received a text from Matt during my meeting. Working on a speech for his college class took precedence today. I certainly understood that! He had a 'workout' harder than mine, getting a speech ready. Oddly, I was not concerned. I prayed!

I knew that this day would come, I just did not expect that it would come this soon and certainly not today. But...surprise! It was here. No worries, I CAN do this! ...and I did!

The gym was practically empty by the time I arrived, and I liked that. I don't know why, but I felt more freedom, maybe less self conscious. Which is kind of odd, because I would be more noticeable when there a handful of men and one older woman. (must have been the prayer... which went something like, 'Okay, you have to come exercise with me! help me out here! I can do this with you... let's go!'

I faithfully engaged the first set of machines that are set to torture your core/stomach muscles. I stumbled through trying to remember how to adjust the seat, the this, the that and the weights. I succeeded and began my time of strain and sweat. Midway through one of the machines I was approached by one of the trainers who wanted to know if I needed help with anything. "No thank you, I think I have this", I said, while fumbling around looking for the way to adjust and then grabbing the bar incorrectly. ( I would not have had that problem had he not been standing there. - glasses might have helped too!) I am glad he ignored my words and began to instruct me. For the rest of my time on the torture machine she would stop by now and then and give me pointers.

I ended my time there with a 20 minute, 1 mile walk on the treadmill. It may sound wimpy, but I have been allergic to exercise for years, and I had gone from an outdoor girl to a computer geek girl many years ago... This is a bid deal! I was and am proud of my sweat. I can hardly wait till next time!

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