Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Allergic to exersize, no more

Today I did it. I took the first step. I not only entered a gym, but I spent an hour and a half there working out. Well, beginning a relationship with the machines. Introductions, flirtation, and a little alone time with each one of them.

I am a 'partner person 'and I don't enjoying doing certain activities by myself, at least initially. Perhaps I just feel too vunerable or insecure when I am alone. Nah, I think it is because it is boring...

So, I borrowed a husband, (thank you Julie) to be my partner and physical trainer. Matt did an awesome job. I felt guilty taking the time from him, but my need overcame that guilt. Matt could have been sweating for himsel, instead, he put his two sons in the childcare room and walked me through each machine, passing on invaluable information and making me feel comfortable in this den of pain and torture.
So, I did it, I did a 12 count rep of a few machines. I walked a mile on the treadmill while watching Betty Davis in Jane Ayer. ( with the oddest closed caption I have ever seen.) Then twisted my torso, lifted my legs, and a bunch of other things... The pictures on the machines, and Matt say that I worked out all of my body parts... Just one rep of 12. That is good enough for day 1.
I must admit, I already felt better when I left. I had taken advil before I went. ( Always be prepared!) I already felt some results. ( soreness) But it felt good. I look forward to seeing the results of this torture, I mean, exersize.


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